Advocating for the Environment by Sue Inches - at
Advocating for the Environment by Sue Inches - at Penguine Random House

Why this Book?

Thousands of books tell us that climate change is an urgent matter. This book skips the gloom and doom and offers ordinary citizens an accessible guide to taking action and enacting change.

Who Needs this Book?

Advocating for the Environment is for everyone. Students, retirees, activists, and organizers of all ages will find nuggets of wisdom and solid guidance here. This is a book that will remain on the shelf for years, as a handy reference.

Where Did it Come From?

Author Susan Inches has worked in public policy for 25 years, passing legislation, leading coalitions and making change. She currently teaches advocacy skills at several colleges. She wrote this book so more people could become effective advocates.

Topics Covered

Advocating for the Environment begins with how we must learn the think differently, in order to heal the planet. We must see and treat each other and the earth as if our lives depend on them. Part I shows how understanding and working with people with different views is the key to moving policies forward.

Part II of the book is all about action. How to use power for good, how to work with decision makers, how to organize events, manage a coalition, communicate with the public, and work with the media are all laid out in an easy to read and reference format. A bibliography and sample press releases, public testimony and letters to the editor fill out this complete field guide to citizen advocacy.

Book now available in paperback, audiobook and ebook formats.

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Watch this 5 minute TV Interview with the author:

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