Like you,
I want to build
a better future.

I want a future that is compassionate, where all life on the planet is nurtured and supported.
I want a future where people work together to find practical solutions to social issues.
I want a future where caring for the earth and its people is our highest priority.

Perhaps you want a world like this too, but you are bogged down by problems in your organization or community.
Or you may be overwhelmed by the news. Or you just don’t see how you can change things.

My mission is to help people—especially teachers, activists and students—find their true power and become more effective advocates for the planet.

Get My Book!

Students, educators and concerned citizens everywhere are finding the this guide to action invaluable.

Now available in paperback, audiobook and ebook. Get it online or at your local bookstore. If you don’t see it, ask for it! Or Click HERE to order.

Watch this 5 minute TV Interview with the author:

Click to watch

Recent Events:

1. Article: How Energy Democracy Could Build the Grid of the Future, Click HERE

2. Article: Is This the Clean Energy Revolution? Click HERE

3. Podcast: Your Stories Don’t Define You, How You Tell Them Will: Interview with Sarah Elkins. Listen HERE

The author at The Climate Initiative National Educator’s Retreat

The author at The Climate Initiative National Educator’s Retreat

An experienced advocate, educator and policy consultant I can help you by:

  • Speaking to your group
  • Presenting a live or online advocacy skills workshop
  • Offering guidance and strategy to support your campaign
  • Teaching your your students with a guest lecture, a full length course, and/or coaching for students interested in policy careers.
Sue Inches
Sue’s class meets with Senate President Nathan Libby at the Maine Statehouse


Teaching Advocacy Classes

Sue brings a depth of experience and knowledge – along with fabulous teaching skills and unflagging enthusiasm – to the classroom. She embodies to students someone who has made a difference, and shows them how they can, too.”

-Jane Costlow, Environmental Studies Chair, Bates College.

Pictured: Sue’s class meets with Senate President Nathan Libby at the Maine Statehouse.

Download a free article: Five Reasons to be Optimistic in Troubled Times


If your organization needs an energizing speaker, planner or meeting facilitator, let’s set up a time to talk about your needs.


If you’re interested in having me teach a course or workshop–for college students, high school students or adult learners, I’ll send you a sample syllabus and list of available workshops.
