Hello Friends,

With Covid receding, we have an enormous opportunity to recreate our economy and public policies in a way that affirms life. We are on the verge of creating a New Earth Story—a story where everything we do is based on respect for life. In this story, whether or not we agree on the issues, we will honor the precious jewel of life that is present in every human being.  My hope is that as we heal from the virus and reconnect with the essence of who we are, we will make caring for the earth and all living things our highest priority.

Here’s an inspiring Earth Day Video Presentation that I did for the Maine Chapter of the Sierra Club:




Now you can PREORDER  MY BOOK!

My upcoming book: Advocating for the Environment, How to Gather Your Power and Take Action will be released in July.
If you are wondering what you can do about climate change, or if you are an experienced advocate looking for tips on how to be more effective, this book is for you! It is a complete “field guide” to advocacy, revealing how we need to think  and act differently if we want to create a healthy planet.

You will want a copy, so why not order it now?  Pre-order by Googling: “Advocating for the Environment Random House”.